No one is saved by buying a Bible he does not use, nor is one saved by reading a Bible he does not obey.
The Bible contains:
The mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, and the doom of
sinners. It's doctrines are holy, and it's precepts are binding, and it's
histories are true.
To read it is to be wise, to believe in it is to be safe, and to live it is to
be holy.
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Bible Facts And Tidbits
Christ quoted and references from the Old Testament 178 times in the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Click here for the list!
The following may vary based upon translation:
Books in the Old Testament: 39
Books in the New Testament: 27
Total books: 66
Center books of the Old Testament: Psalms and Proverbs
Center books of the New Testament: 2 Thessalonians and 1 Timothy
Center book of the Bible: Micah
Longest book in the Bible: Psalms (223711 characters long, 150 chapters, 2461 verses)
Shortest book in the Bible: 2 John (1552 characters long, 1 chapter, 13 verses)
Chapters in the Old Testament: 929
Chapters in the New Testament: 260
Total chapters: 1189
Center chapters of the Old Testament: Job 28 and 29
Center chapter of the New Testament: Romans 13
Center chapters of the Bible: Psalms 116 and Psalms 117
Longest chapter in the Bible: Psalms 119 (12996 characters long, 176 verses)
Shortest chapter in the Bible: Psalms 117 (172 characters long, 2 verses)
Verses in the Old Testament: 23145
Verses in the New Testament: 7957
Total verses: 31102
Center verse of the Bible: Psalms 103:1
Longest verse in the Bible: Esther 8:9 (528 characters long, 90 words)
Second longest verse in the Bible: 2 Kings 16:15 (443 characters long, 79 words)
Shortest verse in the Bible: John 11:35 (11 characters long, 2 words)
Second shortest verse in the Bible: 1 Thessalonians 5:16 (17 characters long, 2 words)
Words in the Bible: 789821
Longest word in the Bible: Mahershalalhashbaz (18 characters long, also the longest name)
Number of Christ's Words 1865
Original Language of the Old Testament: Primarily Hebrew (some portions were in Aramaic)
Original Language of the New Testament: Primarily Greek (some portions were in Hebrew or Aramaic)
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