Engagement -- and Wedding Night
ONCE A COUPLE IS ENGAGED TO BE married -- then what? What should be their
standard of conduct? Virtually everybody, today, would assume that
"necking" is completely within the bounds of propriety after a
definite engagement.
But is it? Let's look rationally at facts unconsidered in
the almost universal assumption.
What about premarital sexual intercourse
between engaged couples? Does it help prepare for adjustment in marriage -- or
does it prevent or make more difficult that adjustment? What are the true facts?
The "New Morality" trend has changed the thinking -- and the behavior
-- of most juveniles and adults under thirty.
Perhaps the overwhelming majority.
These "emancipated" moderns view premarital sex as entirely acceptable
between engaged couples.
Such experience has come to have general public
acceptance even where there is no engagement.
WHY Premarital Sex is SIN!
It seems so hard for humans to realize that whatever is becoming customary is
not necessarily good.
But there is a LAW! Put your hand on a red-hot stove, and
your hand will be painfully burned! But people can't seem to understand WHY they
can't put their hands on red-hot stoves, and not be burned! These inexorable
LAWS are GOOD, not bad! They are THE WAY to well-being, happiness, enjoyable
living! People can't seem to believe that.
Of course the "educated"
and "scientific" world rejects all knowledge of the invisible but
living LAWS of God.
It seeks answers by purely physical, experimental and
research expedients.
Research studies have attempted to arrive at the final
answer to the question, "Does premarital experience affect later marital
happiness -- and if so, how?" They have found that those who had indulged
in sex relations prior to marriage were less well-adjusted in marriage than
those who married without previous experience.
But they found so many
complicating factors they could arrive at no "scientific" conclusion.
Premarital experience nearly always must be carried on under very unsatisfactory
conditions, as to environment, need for secrecy, psychological disturbances,
fear of pregnancy and/or possibility of venereal disease, and many other
impeding and unsatisfactory factors.
A couple in a large university a decade
ago, began "going steady.
" Since premarital sex was the accepted
custom, they indulged in "the usual.
" The girl, a brilliant all-A
student, became pregnant.
They decided immediately they had to marry.
But they
didn't tell their parents about the pregnancy.
Both parents objected violently.
The young man's parents were socially prominent, the girl's were not -- though
the girl's parents were actually of superior intellectual level.
The girl had
career ambitions, expecting to continue on in graduate school to work for a
Of course her career dreams were now shattered.
It was only after the
students confessed the pregnancy that the parents consented to the marriage.
These particular parents were a bit "old-fashioned.
" To them the
illegitimate conception was a stigma and a disgrace.
The marriage was never
The young wife was bitterly resentful of being unable to continue her
She resented her baby.
She allowed this resentment to be transferred to
her husband.
Although she had consented to sexual intercourse before marriage --
because it seemed to be "the thing to do," she became frigid in
The young husband began going elsewhere for sex.
The marriage ended in
divorce, and -- unhappiness!
Engagement Period Conduct
"We're going to be married, anyway," argue many engaged people.
"So what's the difference?" What's the difference! It's the difference
between SIN and righteousness -- between RUINING the marriage, and SAVING it for
a true God-plane relationship -- between corroding and seriously detracting from
this lifelong companionship, and keeping it clean, pure and full of joy.
engagement, as considered today, is not a marriage.
It is merely the
understanding or agreement between a man and woman that they intend to become
But the engagement does not involve the marriage vow.
intercourse prior to the actual marriage vow is FORNICATION, and the law of God
is inexorable -- it will exact the penalty -- CAPITAL PUNISHMENT! It is, in the
sight of God, as great a crime as MURDER! All government is based on law -- or a
foundational constitution.
That underlying law is a "way of life.
" Few
know it today, but only the law of God -- a spiritual law -- defines the way of
life -- the "life-style," if you prefer -- that is good for the
It is the law that will finally judge you and me.
That law says
fornication and adultery are bad for those who do them.
That law will judge you
in the final judgment for ETERNITY! To break it is harmful for you now, and in
the final judgment you face the DEATH PENALTY! God denies us NOTHING that is for
our good.
God LOVES us! Read again Chapters 4 and 5.
Catch anew a vision of the
sacredness -- the supreme God-plane blessing of the marriage and family
relationship, bestowed on no other creatures or kind of life except human! It
ought to be looked forward to by the bride as the very PINNACLE of human
experience! A bride should -- and a few still do -- have dreams of the coming
marriage so idealistic and lofty they touch heaven! To commit fornication prior
to that wedding is to profane that sacred state of marriage -- to drag it
through a filthy cesspool into the depths of degradation.
Any man who would
suggest, or make advances toward, such a defiling of his marriage is not fit to
enter that sacred relationship.
And any woman who would submit to it is not fit
to be the mother of her husband's children! But what about plain
"necking"? This, it has been made plain in the 11th chapter, is a PART
-- and the most important and necessary part-of sexual intercourse! Therefore IT
IS FORNICATION! What, then, are the true facts? They are far different from
modern immoral customs! The engaged couple should be doubly careful to avoid any
form of love-making by physical contact in any way! Doubly careful because of
the temptation to say, "Oh well -- we're going to be married anyway,"
and so be unable to resist the temptation to continue on into fornication.
is not to say that a fond embrace and a kiss -- if not prolonged -- are wrong.
But remember, the male is sexually aroused in five to ten seconds -- or less.
Any such embrace or kiss ought never be prolonged sufficiently to produce
arousal and desire.
This is the time to practice self-restraint.
This is the
time to demonstrate honor with power of WILL.
These facts in themselves argue
strongly against prolonged engagements.
It is far better for young people
resolutely to put thoughts of marriage out of mind until they are qualified to
assume the responsibilities of marriage and parenthood.
Until you reach this
status, date different ones.
But avoid "getting serious.
Fallacious Ideas
There are certain fallacious ideas held more or less generally by those not
properly informed.
Some young men and girls believe that the relative sizes of
sexual organs may become a serious problem in sexual adjustment after marriage.
They wonder if they are properly mated sexually.
They may be tempted to
experiment to be sure.
This is an UTTER FALLACY! God Almighty placed the female
hymen at the orifice of the vagina to protect young ladies until marriage.
not assume the female hymen "just happened to grow there.
" It was
deliberately planned and designed by our Maker for a purpose -- to be a warning
and a protection against sexual experience until marriage! To protect girls from
what society has forgotten is CAPITAL SIN -- indicting with CAPITAL PUNISHMENT!
Try to laugh this truth off because of human society's falsely accepted codes at
your peril.
GOD IS NOT MOCKED! He loves us, yet if we gloss over His law of love
now, we shall be judged by that law in the end! God has set a LAW in living
motion that makes fornication a CAPITAL SIN.
Would an all-wise, all-loving GOD
have made people so that they cannot be sure whether they are mated, unless they
commit a CAPITAL SIN to find out? You may be SURE that God, in His wisdom, made
no such mistake.
True, sex organs, like hands, ears, feet or other parts of the
body, do vary slightly in size and shape.
But size has nothing to do with being
properly mated! No adjustment will be necessary because of any size variations!
The smallest vagina is made so that it will stretch sufficiently to allow the
passage of a baby's head and shoulders when it is born! And no penis is ever
that large! Also the smallest penis will fit perfectly into the vagina of a
man's wife -- regardless of whom he marries! You do need to be sure you are
properly mated -- mentally, socially, religiously, emotionally, and that you are
IN LOVE! But forget the sex until you are married.
The GREAT GOD has seen to it
that you'll be mated in that one category in which HE forbids premarital
experimenting! Many a bride of pre-"New Morality" years became nervous
as the wedding approached, in real fear that she might discover that the
husband's penis was so large it might cause severe pain.
FALLACY! The only reason some wives -- and they have been MANY -- have
experienced severe pain upon penetration of a husband's penis, is because both
have been IGNORANT of the need of the preparation that comes with preliminary
If they will be careful to follow the instructions in Chapter 11,
and the husband will be careful, considerate and gentle, there will be no cause
for concern.
Even then there may, occasionally, be a case where entrance must be
slow, careful and gentle.
But any considerate and informed husband can cooperate
to avoid any difficulty.
Some boys believe that continence will reduce sex
Total refraining from sex intercourse,
masturbation or other sex outlet DOES NO HARM WHATSOEVER.
But the
self-discipline of continence develops character! Many boys and young men think
they can detect a homosexual by his appearance, or manner.
That is FALSE.
homosexuals are effeminate.
Others are not.
Even the Bible recognizes the two
In the 6th chapter of I Corinthians, quoted in an earlier chapter,
speaking of those who shall not inherit the Kingdom of God, we find: "Be
not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind .
shall inherit the kingdom
of God" (verses 9-10).
The "effeminate" are one type of
The "abusers of themselves with mankind" are another type
-- not effeminate in manner.
GOD, in the vernacular, "has their
" Homosexuals reveal themselves only by their behavior! Some girls,
and some wives, believe that if females do not reach orgasm there can be no
THAT IS A DANGEROUS bit of ignorance! Orgasm, as previously
explained, has absolutely nothing to do with pregnancy.
All that is necessary
for pregnancy is the presence of male semen in the vagina, uterus or Fallopian
Thousands of women have become pregnant through artificial insemination
when no man was near, and no sexual arousal occurred.
Others have become
pregnant when a bit of semen was left outside the vagina, but within the labia
A very general false conception is the idea that premarital intercourse
is a good and necessary test of marital sex compatibility.
It not only is a CAPITAL SIN -- it will give a WRONG ANSWER! Girls by
thousands today are losing emotional stability, moral security, the happy and
joyful anticipation of GIVING THEMSELVES to their husbands as virgins on their
wedding night -- and also risking premarital pregnancy and venereal disease --
by following this modern FALSE idea.
The Wedding Night
Although statistics supplied by the National Research Council indicate as
high as 80 percent of brides, since 1950, enter marriage as nonvirgins -- and
the percentage today is much higher -- it is believed that a higher portion of
those who shall read this book will be virgins at the time of marriage.
study conducted by this Research Council, however, is shocking.
And though the
figures are somewhat higher than those provided by similar reports, they
definitely show how times have changed.
The study indicates that prior to 1912,
82 percent of brides entered marriage as virgins -- only 18 percent of all women
had "lost their honor," as it was termed in those days.
By 1922, 26
percent had lost their virginity.
By 1931 it was 49 percent.
The immorality
curve soared upward until by 1937, 68 percent of brides entered marriage having
lost their virginity! And by 1950 an incredible 80 percent of brides were no
longer virgins on their wedding day! And conditions are getting worse!
Nevertheless, a few, even though a minority, still become brides in full
retention of their moral HONOR! And for them, and their well-blessed
bridegrooms, some important instruction must be given.
What a WONDERFUL, blessed
and thrilling event it ought to be for a young woman who has kept herself a
virgin to give herself, at last, to the man of her dreams -- the man whom she
dearly LOVES -- the man to whom GOD has just joined her in holy wedlock FOR
LIFE! Most assuredly this is the pinnacle of human emotional experience for a
right-minded young woman of high ideals! The wedding night will be a spiritual,
as well as a physical experience.
But the crux of the physical experience is
that of defloration -- the removal of the hymen.
By now it shall have served its
There are two ways of accomplishing the defloration.
One is by
stretching, the other must be by rupture.
In a very small percentage of women
the hymen is sufficiently flexible that it may be stretched during the first
experience of intercourse, without the necessity of being broken.
In such cases
-- and they are somewhat rare -- if the penis is very slowly and carefully
introduced, it may be wedged in gradually.
There will be a certain drawing pain,
but if preceded by preparatory caressing and lovemaking until arousal is
experienced, and a sexual desire has been stimulated, this pain will be mixed
with sensations of pleasure.
It may take several minutes, under careful
pressure, but it may thus be possible to produce complete penetration of the
penis without tearing the hymen -- merely stretching it.
This may need to be
repeated several times in the same manner, and finally the hymen will completely
The defloration will have been completed in a bloodless and comparatively
painless manner.
But in most women, the opening through the hymen will be too
small to allow this stretching process.
In such cases, the penis must be thrust
with sufficient power -- but not necessarily rapidly -- to break open the hymen.
Yet the husband ought not to do the thrusting -- but the wife -- as we shall
Fallacious Ideas Again
Both men and women often have ridiculous and unfounded ideas about this act
of defloration.
Many a bridegroom has worried for fear he may be unable to
accomplish it.
But every normal man will have a penis of sufficient stoutness to
break the hymen.
Besides, he should not do it -- but the bride.
Some women, on
the other hand, are seized with fear of being "torn apart.
" This is
due to ignorance! It seems too bad that the 80 percent plus of unmarried
nonvirgins didn't worry more about it -- or the approximately 99 percent of
males who have had premarital experience! There need be only slight pain to the
bride -- and that, in such manner that she may control it, as well as when and
how it occurs, herself!.
Let the Bride Do It
On this particular night, of all times, there should be no direct contact of
the sex organs until after there has been lovemaking in abundance.
preparation must be fully carried out, first.
The bride must be brought to
arousal and desire.
The vaginal area must be thoroughly lubricated.
Then, when
the wife is ready, let the penis be placed at the entrance to the vagina.
A new
bridegroom may not know where to find it.
The wife should not be too timid to
guide the penis to the right spot.
Then, the husband should remain rigidly
STILL! He should not attempt to plunge on through the hymen -- for that might
really cause pain.
Instead, while he holds rigidly still, the wife should do the
She will soon learn whether the penis can be slowly wedged in.
not! And if not, it must be powerfully thrust on through -- but while the
husband remains rigidly and firmly still.
She knows what pain she can stand --
and when she does the shoving, she knows when the pain is coming! In most cases,
it will not be great.
And it will be accompanied with great joy, and also with
pleasurable and voluptuous sensations and delights! In very rare cases, the
hymen will prove too thick and stubborn to be broken in this manner.
If success
is not attained the first night it is attempted, try again the next night.
if necessary, a third.
If it appears that it is going to be impossible, then go
to a physician, and he can open the hymen with a very simple, harmless and
probably painless surgery.
But by all means avoid the surgeon if possible.
"authorities" recommend going to the surgeon for this defloration
prior to marriage.
But we answer, NEVER!
The Wedding, and the Attitude
Sixty years ago many young men would discuss the idea of whether they should
not wait a night or two after the wedding before approaching their brides
The theory was that a bride would be so nervous after her wedding that
she ought to be given a day or two of quiet and relaxation.
But times have
The average bride, today, wants her husband to approach her sexually on
the wedding night.
But, unless the bride is completely done in, and upset with
nervousness, the husband surely ought to take her into his arms in bed, and
quiet her nerves with LOVE! It is certainly to be recommended that he do this
first, and delay any questions about deferring the sexual contact until LOVE has
been expressed -- unless she herself asks otherwise.
Every bridegroom ought to
realize the bride's psychological situation on her wedding day.
It is her
greatest hour! In many cases she will be leaving her parents and her home.
is embarking on a new and different life.
If there is a reception following the
wedding ceremony, the bridegroom (and, of course, also the bride) should be
careful, if any alcoholic beverages are served, either to abstain, or to partake
with extreme temperance.
He must retain complete mental and physical alertness.
He may be driving a car immediately afterward.
He must be completely sober as he
takes his bride into his arms on the wedding night.
To ruin this night might be
to ruin the marriage for life.
Above all, he must now show consideration,
tenderness, kindness and love as never before to the girl he has married -- and
this must continue into the wedding night.
He should realize solemnly that the
purpose of this night is not to give him pleasure.
Only a selfish ignoramus
would consider it so.
This should be her night.
Many a wedding is wrecked for
life on the wedding night.
Many a bride has been cruelly raped by a
self-centered, ignorant lout who was seeking only his own gratification.
above all, is the night to be gentle, tender, considerate and loving.
This is
perhaps the most critical night of his life -- and hers! The fate of the
lifelong, or divorce-short marriage is at stake! First impressions are lasting.
Make your bride's first impression of sex one of respect, admiration of her
husband, and of God -- ordained LOVE and TENDERNESS and consideration! And,
finally, a few very necessary cautions.
The bride-to-be should, of course, be
careful to set the wedding shortly after a menstrual period -- being very
careful in her calculation -- and leaving a safe margin for error, or
irregularity due to the nervous tension of the time.
The bridegroom should
REALIZE, and NOT FORGET, that on this wedding night above all, he must not
embarrass his bride.
If she wishes to undress in privacy, give her the
When ready for bed, REMEMBER, nearly all women want either darkness
or very subdued light.
That's one of the differences between human male and
Remember, too, that although the Maker of us all made the female body to
be attractive, beautiful and even sex-arousing to the male, the female mind is
altogether different.
No man should display his body, or especially the pubic
region before the new bride -- above all on this wedding night.
The fact that
God talked to the first man and his wife in their complete nudity -- that they
were not ashamed (Gen.
2:25) and God made no effort at that time to cover them
-- does indicate that God imposes no command that husband and wife always be
covered before each other.
It is after the public -- other people -- "ALL
LIVING" -- are mentioned, in Genesis 3:20, that God (verse 21) clothed
This would indicate that there is no prohibition against nudity between
husband and wife in the privacy of their own bedroom.
bridegroom ought to embarrass or shock his new bride by displaying his body, or
demanding that she display hers, on this wedding night.
Take plenty of time to
get used to one another! As you value your future marriage together, BE CAREFUL
-- avoid embarrassment -- take time! Read again the instruction given in Chapter
11 about how a husband and wife ought to appear before each other in bedroom
privacy -- the bedclothes, undergarments, careful grooming.
The new husband
should not think of this wedding night as a night of sensual pleasure -- but a
night of LOVE! This is the most critical night of his life! The fate of a
lifelong marriage could be at stake.
The experience of this night may determine
the bride's attitude toward the sexual relationship for life! And her attitude
is the ALL-IMPORTANT thing! She has, in all probability from girlhood, had an
idealistic picture in her mind of marriage and husband.
Don't destroy it!
All-Important Bride's Attitude
The CURSE of so many millions of marriages through the centuries prior to
1914 was the attitude of wives toward it -- and toward the sexual relation.
attitude, of course, was formed by false repressive teachings, and by ignorance.
The reader of this volume is blessed with the right and proper teaching, and
with true and wholesome knowledge.
Still, much of the entire lifelong marriage
relationship depends on a right attitude on the part of the wife.
The properly
instructed bride, with a correct view of love and marriage, looks forward to
this moment -- the wedding night -- as the fulfillment of the purpose of her
She has accepted the right man.
He is her ideal.
She is in love.
doesn't fear him as a stranger.
As he now takes her into his arms, she happily
and impulsively embraces him.
She must now realize that he is the complement of
her mind and body.
Alone, she has been incomplete, imperfect.
He is the stronger
of the two.
Now they are to be joined as ONE.
His strength is to be added to --
combined with -- her weaker physical nature.
This is the moment for her to
simply give herself to him -- to surrender herself to him -- in loving embrace,
and in the pleasure and ecstasy of the moment.
As one writer has stated it, this
surrender to her husband is a modest tribute to be paid for the present and
future happiness of marriage and motherhood!
In final conclusion, remember that sex, in humans, was designed and created
by the ever-living, all-wise GOD as the symbol of LIFE (for through it human
life is begotten) and the expression of LOVE.
The Eternal God is working out His
greatest and grandest PURPOSE here below.
That purpose is the reproduction of
His own Kind -- holy, righteous and perfect CHARACTER in the divine FAMILY of
the ever-living God! Humans, physically begotten and born through sex, may be
spiritually begotten and divinely BORN of GOD -- entering the ETERNALLY LIVING
GOD FAMILY! As physical reproduction is the type and forerunner of spiritual
begettal and glorification, so marital LOVE is the type of Christ's LOVE for His
Church, and our love for Christ.
The wife's giving of herself, in the ecstasy of
love and in obedience, to her husband, is the type and physical counterpart of
those in God's Church giving themselves, in love and obedience, to the Christ
who bought and paid for us with His life's blood! God Almighty is the source of
LIFE, and of LOVE.
Human sex is the symbol and physical counterpart of both --
the source of physical LIFE, and marital LOVE.
These are holy, righteous and
sacred things! The marriage and family relationships are GOD-PLANE
relationships, which God shares with humans, and humans only! A perverted,
hostile devil has deceived his world into two extremes away from this beautiful
and central TRUTH.
First, he represented sex -- physical sources of LIFE and
marital LOVE -- as something degrading, shameful and evil.
Today he leads people
to the opposite extreme away from TRUTH, into accepting the perverted and
profaned and lustful uses of sex as being acceptable and good.
In this volume
those lying, foul, deceptively false attitudes have been exposed, and the
blessed TRUTH made plain.
But remember, the all-important thing is MENTAL
ATTITUDE! Few indeed ever think of the supreme importance of mental attitude in
relation to the sex response.
But before concluding this book REMEMBER THIS
BASIC ALL-IMPORTANT TRUTH! God created people after the GOD kind, not after the
cattle kind, the horse kind, dog kind or any other animal kind.
Stamp in your
mind the vast difference between the purpose and use of sex in animals compared
to humans.
In both animals and humans sex provides the means of reproducing
one's kind.
But God designed and created sex to serve an altogether DIFFERENT
purpose in humans than in animals.
And directly associated with it is another
vast DIFFERENCE! Animals, like humans, have brains.
But animals were not created
with the MIND POWER of the thinking process -- of free moral agency -- of
responsibility for direction, right choices, rational direction and performance.
Animals have brains, but NOT the spirit that operates in conjunction with brain
in man.
They are endowed with instinct, but not with the MIND power of the human
spirit functioning with the human brain to function as MIND-POWER.
This spirit
in humans, plus the fact that man was designed and made in the image of GOD,
endows man with the supreme privilege of access to direct contact with God and
ultimately sonship of being born a divine Son in the God Family as a very GOD
BEING! How transcendently important! Now see where this spiritual endowment
leads to a vast difference in sexual response.
God gave us humans the privilege
of expressing outflowing LOVE -- a spiritual expression -- through sexual union,
something entirely foreign to animals.
BUT -- this very divinely endowed
privilege carries with it a stern character-building responsibility.
In humans
this spiritually INTENDED RIGHT use may be directed in the opposite direction of
That is a part of the awe-inspiring human prerogative for which we are
charged with accountability! God is the great GIVER! God's LAW -- His basic way
of life -- is outflowing LOVE.
But Satan has led a deceived world to call lust
"love" -- to call sin OK -- to call wrong right -- to turn GOD'S
values upside down.
Therefore I simplify the basic way of GOD'S LAW.
I term it
the way of GIVE as opposed to the way of "GET.
" In His love for His
prospective children, God gave us humans the physical sensations of exotic
pleasure -- in a manner animals know nothing of.
By the sense of sight we may
ENJOY beautiful landscapes, gorgeous sunsets.
We may enjoy beautiful melodic and
harmonious music.
We may ENJOY the fragrance of beautiful roses, the TASTE of
delicious health-building foods.
Or, we may turn these senses of sight, hearing,
smelling, tasting, into thinking we enjoy the LUST of pornography, the beat and
Satan-inspired rhythm of rock-and-roll or disco, the smell of tobacco smoke, or
the taste of health-destroying rich foods or desserts.
Likewise God intended the
sexual expression to GIVE us (God is the GIVER) -- the extreme delightful
sensations of the sense of feel that surpasses ANY enjoyment of the senses, in
the GIVING of sincere and genuine LOVE to a husband or wife to whom GOD has
bound one for LIFE! The MARRIAGE union should be the most exquisite and
delightful and rewarding experience of human life -- unless it be the JOY of the
arrival of one's own baby -- (and the one is preliminary to the other, though
God intended the sexual union to provide ecstasies in wholesome marital LOVE
repeatedly IN ADDITION TO the function of reproduction).
God in His Word to us
speaks of having our senses exercised by use to discern both good and evil uses
Even the unconverted person who has not received the Holy Spirit to
dwell with the human spirit has the MIND power to discern the difference between
good and evil uses of the human five senses -- their selfish gratification or
wholesome enjoyments.
God INTENDED to bestow upon us humans the pleasures and
delights of wholesome and RIGHT uses and enjoyments.
And RIGHT enjoyments that
are beneficial and lasting gravitate in the direction of GIVING, and destructive
and (to us humans) NON-beneficial uses stem from motives of "GETTING"
-- lust, covetousness, vanity, self-indulgence.
Self-centered lustful pleasures
corrode, injure and tend to destroy the indulger.
A first injection of heroin
will produce in one sensations enjoyable momentarily -- get one "high"
-- but that one leads to a desire for a second, and before it is realized the
simpleton who yielded to it is "hooked" where it no longer produces
such exhilarating sensations, but the body requires feeding the habit even to
get back to normal! All physical sensations used lustfully or in a manner of
self-indulgence do not prove as physically and devastatingly destructive as
certain hard drugs.
But in the end they prove JUST AS FATAL! God GAVE us humans
five senses.
He intended them to be ENJOYED -- to give us wholesome and healthy
PLEASURES! But they also may be put to WRONG USES! God gave us MIND-power for
sensual discernment.
He holds us responsible for our conduct in utilization of
that mind-power in our human behavior.
The way BEST FOR US is the way of
"GIVE" -- outflowing LOVE to God and LOVE to fellowman.
The very
PURPOSE OF OUR BEING is the development of righteous perfect spiritual CHARACTER
until finally we may become GOD BEINGS, immortal as Sons of GOD in the very
supreme GOD FAMILY! Even the unconverted DO HAVE the human spirit! They have
this marvelous MIND power.
They are held accountable for its RIGHT USAGE! And
it's all a matter of ATTITUDE! Most marriages are rendered unhappy by wrong
Most people marry for selfish purposes.
They think only of what they
can GET from the other.
They want to extract gratification, pleasure, money,
security or something for SELF from the mate.
True outgoing concern and LOVE is
usually lacking.
It is hoped that this volume shall have brought to many
thousands a right knowledge of the TRUTH -- helped thousands to a changed and
right attitude toward sex, toward wife or husband, toward life, and toward God.
God's Law is THE WAY to every happiness -- whether in marriage, in business --
in LIFE.
If you are one whose marriage has not been happy -- perhaps "on
the rocks" -- change your attitude.
Follow God's LAWS.
Avoid the penalties
of unhappiness, troubles and curses.
Reap the joys of divinely intended
blessings! If you are unmarried, follow these living inexorable LAWS -- seek
God's wisdom and guidance in the selection of a mate when the right time comes
-- trust the Living God.
He has a deep and tremendous outgoing concern for you.
Get your attitude toward sex cleaned up and in harmony with the Maker's
Avoid every misuse or perversion.
Reap the glorious rewards a loving
God has intended and made available! The editors and producers of this volume
wish God's richest blessings on every reader -- and they will be yours if your
attitude and your actions are in harmonious obedience to God's Laws and His