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Christian Baby Names

A - C   D - H   I - L   M - Q   R - Z

The following are Boys names


Malachi- Mal. 1:1 - my messenger; my angel.

Manasseh - Gen. 41:51 - forgetfulness; he that is forgotten.

Marcus - Acts 12:12 - polite; shining.

Mark - Acts 12:12 - polite; shining.

Matthew - Matt. 9:9 - given; a reward.

Matthias - Acts 1:23 - the gift of the Lord.

Melchizedek - Gen. 14:18 - king of justice; king of righteousness.

Micah - Judges 17:1 - poor; humble.

Micaiah - 1 Kings 22:8 - who is like to God?

Michael - Num. 13:13 - poor; humble.

Mishael - Exodus 6:22 - who is asked for or lent.

Mordecai - Esther 2:5 - contrition; bitter; bruising.

Moses - Exodus 2:10 - taken out; drawn forth.


Nadab - - Exodus 6:23 - free and voluntary gift; prince.

Nahum - Nahum 1:1 - comforter; penitent.

Naphtali - Gen. 30:8 - that struggles or fights.

Nathan - 2 Sam. 5:14 - given; giving; rewarded.

Nathanael - John 1:45 - the gift of God.

Nehemiah - Neh. 1:1 - consolation; repentance of the Lord.

Nekoda - Ezra 2:48 - painted; inconstant.

Nicodemus - John 3:1 - victory of the people.

Noah - Gen. 5:29 - repose; consolation.


Obadiah- 1 Kings 18:3 - servant of the Lord.

Omar  - Gen. 36:11 - he that speaks; bitter.

Onesimus - Col. 4:9 - profitable; useful.

Othniel - Joshua 15:17 - lion of God; the hour of God


Paul - Acts 13:9 - small; little.

Peter - Matt. 4:18 - a rock or stone.

Philemon - Phil. 1:2 - loving; who kisses.

Philip - Matt. 10:3 - warlike; a lover of horses.

Phineas - Exodus 6:25 - bold aspect; face of trust or protection.

Phinehas - Exodus 6:25 - bold aspect; face of trust or protection.



The following are Girls names


Magdalene - Matt. 27:56 - a person from Magdala.

Mara - Exodus 15:23 - bitter; bitterness.

Marah - Exodus 15:23 - bitter; bitterness.

Martha - Luke 10:38 - who becomes bitter; provoking.

Mary - Matt. 1:16 - rebellion; sea of bitterness.

Mercy - Gen. 43:14 - compassion, forbearance.

Merry - Job 21:12 - joyful, lighthearted.

Michal - 1 Sam. 18:20 - who is perfect?; who resembles God?

Miriam - Exodus 15:20 - rebellion.

Myra - Acts 27:5 - I flow; pour out; weep.


Naomi - Ruth 1:2 - beautiful; agreeable.

Neriah - Jer. 32:12 - light; lamp of the Lord.


Olive - Gen. 8:11 - fruitfulness; beauty; dignity.

Ophrah - Judges 6:11 - dust; lead; a fawn.

Oprah - Judges 6:11 - dust; lead; a fawn.

Orpah - Ruth 1:4 - the neck or skull.


Paula - Acts 13:9 - small; little.

Phoebe - Rom. 16:1 - shining; pure.

Prisca - Acts 18:2 - ancient.

Priscilla - Acts 18:2 - ancient.



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