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Christian Baby Names

A - C   D - H   I - L   M - Q   R - Z

The following are Boys names


Reuben - Gen. 29:32 - who sees the son; the vision of the son.

Rufus - Mark 15:21 - red.


Samson - Judges 13:24 - his sun; his service; there the second time.

Samuel - 1 Sam. 1:20 - heard of God; asked of God.

Saul - 1 Sam. 9:2 - demanded; lent; ditch; death.

Seth - Gen. 4:25 - put; who puts; fixed.

Shadrach - Dan. 1:7 - tender, nipple.

Shem - Gen. 5:32 - name; renown.

Silas - Acts 15:22 - three, or the third.

Simeon - Gen. 29:33 - that hears or obeys; that is heard.

Simon - Matt. 4:18 - that hears; that obeys.

Solomon - 2 Sam. 5:14 - peaceable; perfect; one who recompenses.

Stephen - Acts 6:5 - crown; crowned.


Thaddaeus - Matt. 10:3 - that praises or confesses.

Theophilus - Luke 1:3 - friend of God.

Thomas - Matt. 10:3 - a twin.

Timothy - Acts 16:1 - honor of God; valued of God.

Titus - 2 Cor. 2:13 - pleasing.

Tobiah - Ezra 2:60 - the Lord is good.

Tobias - Ezra 2:60 - the Lord is good.


Uriah - 2 Sam. 11:3 - the Lord is my light or fire.

Uzziah - 2 Kings 15:13 - the strength, or kid, of the Lord.


Victor - 2 Timothy 2:5 - victory; victor.





The following are Girls names


Rachel - Gen. 29:6 - sheep.

Rebecca - Gen. 22:23 - fat; fattened; a quarrel appeased.

Rebekah - Gen. 22:23 - fat; fattened; a quarrel appeased.

Rhoda - Acts 12:13 - a rose.

Rose - Song of Sol. 2:1 - a rose.

Ruby - Exodus 28:17 - the red gemstone.

Ruth - Ruth 1:4 - drunk; satisfied.


Sapphira - Acts 5:1 - that relates or tells.

Sarah - Gen. 17:15 - lady; princess; princess of the multitude.

Sarai - Gen. 17:15 - my lady; my princess.

Selah - Psalm 3:2 - the end; a pause.

Serah - Gen. 46:17 - lady of scent; song; the morning star.

Sharon - 1 Chron. 5:16 - his plain; his song.

Sherah - 1 Chron. 7:24 - flesh; relationship.

Shiloh - Joshua 18:8 - peace; abundance; his gift.

Shiphrah - Exodus 1:15 - handsome; trumpet; that does good.

Susanna - Luke 8:3 - lily; rose; joy.

Susannah - Luke - lily; rose; joy.


Tabitha- Acts 9:36 - clear-sighted; a roe-deer.

Talitha- Mark 5:41 - little girl; young woman.

Tamar- Gen. 38:6 - palm or date palm; palm-tree.

Tamara - Gen. 38:6 - palm or date palm; palm-tree.

Terah - Num. 33:27 - to breathe; scent; blow.

Tirzah - Numbers 26:33 - benevolent; complaisant; pleasing.



Victoria - Deut. 20:4 - victory.





Zemira - 1 Chron. 7:8 - song; vine; palm.

Zilpah - Gen. 29:24 - distillation from the mouth.

Zina - 1 Chron. 23:10 - shining; going back.

Zipporah - Exodus 2:21 - beauty; trumpet; mourning.

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