If you or someone you know is in need, locate the resources to help on this page.
U.S. Government
U.S. Government
Locate Next of Kin
National Next Of Kin Registry |
Domestic and international Disaster Response Organizations and Services
for Prescription Assistance
Basic Life Support and Emergency CPR |
LifeDynamics.com |
MapQuest |
Phone Numbers
yellowbook.com |
World Telephone Directories |
Natural Disasters and Severe Weather
Natural Disasters and Severe
Weather CDC |
AccuWeather Weather information for anywhere in the world. Access hurricane updates, radar images, temperature maps and more. |
Channel Get breaking weather news, view storm maps and get forecasts for U.S.A. and world cities. |
Weather Service |
Identity Theft
Identity Theft Resource Center
Zip/Postal Codes
U.S. ZIP/Postal Codes
Activism Sites
Conservapedia |
The National Patriot |
The Patriot Post |
AmericanValues A non-profit organization committed to uniting the American people around the vision of our Founding Fathers. |
Citizens Against Government Waste There mission is to eliminate waste,mismanagement, and inefficiency in the federal government.". |
The American Conservative Union We reaffirm our belief in the Declaration of Independence, and in particular the belief that our inherent rights are endowed by the Creator. |
Religious Discrimination
American Center for Law and Justice |
Sex Offender Registry
Family Watchdog
Legal Counsel
Christian Law Association
American Center for Law and Justice
Grief support
US Funerals Online Information site about funerals and funeral homes with practical advice about grave markers, funeral flowers, caskets, urns and cremations. |
MEND (Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death)