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feasts of the Lord

There are seven ordained Biblical Holy Days called Memorials or Festivals of God recorded in the Scriptures. Within these there are seven High Sabbaths or "Holy Convocations" which are in addition to the weekly Sabbath which is also a Holy Convocation. On these Sabbaths work is restricted.
The Annual Festivals

"These are the appointed times of the Lord, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim at times appointed for them." (Lev 23:2-44)


There are seven annual High Sabbaths each year.

  • Passover: In the 14th day of the 1st month in the dark portion of the day. It commemorates the LORD'S Passover, for he went over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he sent death on the Egyptians.
    Added Symbolism: Pictures Christ shedding his blood for the sins of humanity, a chance for eternal life.
  • Unleavened Bread: In the 15th day of the 1st month. It commemorates the Exodus from Egypt in haste, and one must eat the bread of affliction (unleavened) for seven days, from the 15th day of the month through the 21st day of the month. Only the 1st day and the 7th day are High Sabbaths.
    Added Symbolism: Leavening represents sin in our lives, and the need for us to remove it.
  • Feast of Harvest also known as Feast of Weeks, First Fruits, and Pentecost: Count seven Sabbaths plus one day [50 days] from the day after the Sabbath that occurs during Unleavened Bread. It always lands on a Sunday. It is a celebration of the harvest. It is a High Sabbath.
    Added Symbolism: Pictures Christians receiving the holy spirit upon acceptance of the Lord in our lives.
  • Feast of Trumpets: On the 1st day of the 7th month. It is memorial to the day in which God descended upon the earth to be with, and to speak with his people. We are commanded to have a memorial by blowing trumpets. It is a Holy Day or High Sabbath.
    Added Symbolism: Pictures the blowing of trumpets at Christ's return, and the ushering in of the Lord's coming kingdom to once again be with, and to speak with his people.
  • Atonement: On the 10th day of the 7th month. You are to afflict your souls, no food or water for 24 hours, to show that you want to be clean / repent from all your sins. It is a High Sabbath.
    Added Symbolism: It is a Christians once a year recommitment to the Father.
  • Tabernacles: Falls on the 15th day of the 7th month and the 1st day is a High Sabbath. Also known as the Feast of Booths, that generations may remember Israel had to dwell in booths when brought out of the land of Egypt.
    Added Symbolism: Egypt represents the world and sin, we are to live separate from the world while still in it.
  • Eight Day also known as the Last Great Day: The eight day after the start of Tabernacles is a somber assembly, and represents consecration. Is a Holy Day or High Sabbath.
    Added Symbolism: The eighth day highlights the completion of God's plan to bring himself and mankind together.

Figuring the start of the New Year

History has shown us that the Jews CHANGED THE CALENDAR approximately four centuries after Christ's death, and substituted in its place a "fixed," artificial calendar which has changed the Holy Days, and POSTPONED these days by adding Jewish traditions to the calendar! The Jews themselves admit to this change! It can be clearly documented in the Jewish Encyclopedia, and many other Jewish books that deal with the subject. 

The calendar issue can be seen as a test of who you will follow, God or man.


A Simple Formula for Figuring the start of the New Year.


Keep in mind that the new moon is not visible for approximately two days/nights, and if not spotted by the 3rd day, it becomes the 1st day of the month. A year in the Hebrew calendar can be 353, 354, 355, 383, 384, or 385 days long, unlike our present day calendars. The ancient Jewish calendar depended not on mathematical calculations and arrangements, but was set from month to month according the physical appearance of the new moon, it was necessary from time to time to “intercalate” a thirteenth month be fore the Passover, to prevent its being moved back into the winter. There is no mention that the new moon (rosh chodesh) had to fall after the vernal equinox, only that Passover or the full moon must fall after the vernal equinox. The full moon usually occurs 14 to 15 days after the new moon. Therefore, the ancients did not base their calendar on the first new moon after the vernal equinox, but rather on the first new moon that fell closest to the vernal equinox, which means the new moon could fall two or more weeks before the vernal equinox, just as long as Passover (which was on the fourteenth day of the first month at the time of the full moon) would occur after the vernal equinox. If it didn’t, then the Jews added a thirteenth month.

  • The calendar is based on the Biblical system of observing the new moon in Palestine. Whenever possible calculated dates should be confirmed by actual observations in Palestine. Calculating may have been acceptable prior to today's abilities of observing the new moon in Palestine and then broadcasting it to the whole world, but that is no longer a valid excuse.
  • The first month is called Nissan , also known as Abib [because the barley was in the green ear phase, yet it has nothing to do with the actual determination of the first month]. The sighting of the new moon [First visible sliver by the naked eye] , first new moon that falls closest to the vernal equinox, as long as Passover after the vernal equinox. . 
  • Passover [count 14 days from that visible moon], from this you can calculate unleavened [on the 15 day].
  • Feast of Harvest also known as Feast of Weeks, First Fruits, and Pentecost. Count seven Sabbaths plus one day [50 days] from the day after the weekly Sabbath that occurs during Unleavened Bread. 
  • Trumpets [1st day of the 7th month], Atonement [10th day of the 7th month], Tabernacles [15th day of the 7th month], and the Eight Day [eighth day after the start of Tabernacles] is determined by the visible new moon in the seventh month, or seventh new moon.
  • No month can have more than 30 days in it.

For a list of the up coming Gods annual holy days click here GODS FESTIVALS AND HOLY DAYS CALENDAR

New Moon Updates and Sightings From Israel

How to Spot the New Moon
- Some like to use optical aids to spot the moon in stead of with their naked eye. The problem with this is that the optical aids are actually allowing observers to spot the moon that they would have otherwise not been able to with just their naked eye, as they did in Biblical Times. Therefore, it is not recommended to use optical aids, but only with just their naked eye.

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Literature Figuring the Appointed Feast Times and Postponements
Feast Locations
Moon Phases

New Moon
New Moon

Waxing Crescent
Waxing Crescent

First Quarter
First Quarter

Waxing Gibbous
Waxing Gibbous

Full Moon
Full Moon

Waning Gibbous
Waning Gibbous

Last Quarter
Last Quarter

Waning Crescent
Waning Crescent

New Moon - The Moon's unilluminated side is facing the Earth. The Moon is not visible (except during a solar eclipse).
Waxing Crescent - The Moon appears to be partly but less than one-half illuminated by direct sunlight. The fraction of the Moon's disk that is illuminated is increasing.
First Quarter - One-half of the Moon appears to be illuminated by direct sunlight. The fraction of the Moon's disk that is illuminated is increasing.
Waxing Gibbous - The Moon appears to be more than one-half but not fully illuminated by direct sunlight. The fraction of the Moon's disk that is illuminated is increasing.
Full Moon - The Moon's illuminated side is facing the Earth. The Moon appears to be completely illuminated by direct sunlight.
Waning Gibbous - The Moon appears to be more than one-half but not fully illuminated by direct sunlight. The fraction of the Moon's disk that is illuminated is decreasing.
Last Quarter - One-half of the Moon appears to be illuminated by direct sunlight. The fraction of the Moon's disk that is illuminated is decreasing.
Waning Crescent - The Moon appears to be partly but less than one-half illuminated by direct sunlight. The fraction of the Moon's disk that is illuminated is decreasing.

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